MRCS Picture Book Award 2021

And the Winner is...

The Barnabus Project

The Fan Brothers

The Nominees


Oge Mora


Stephen Michael King

It Happened on Sweet Street

Written by: Caroline Adderson

Illustrated by: Stéphane Jorisch

Award History

Started in 1994, students and staff were given the opportunity to vote for the favourite picture book of the year. A contest was held to design an award symbol to be attached to the winning book, which has continued to be used every year. This event proved so popular that this has become an annual event.

Each year the library staff decides on 4 books that were recently acquired and published. This year the Grade 11/12 Composition class, as well as the Grade 6/7 classes evaluated the numerous picture books added to the MRCS collection and made nominee recommendations.

During K-5 library periods these books are read to the students and aspects of evaluating the writing and illustrations are discussed. These classes then vote for the book they think should receive our special award.